Tuesday, August 17, 2010

august 17,2010

Today I woke up feeling a bit under the weather. There is a tropical depression in the gulf and it has been raining all day. Every time it rains my back burns, like fire, and I also get a stabbing feeling in certain parts of my shoulders. I really hate it when it rains, especially if I have errands to run. Guess what I did today? Yep, I ran errands. I went to Walmart, the bank,and also to the dry cleaners for Eric. He will be going to work out of town in a week or so and he needed some clothes dry cleaned. I hope he doesn't stay away too long,  my back hurts so bad after I have to cut the yard. I wait as long as I can, but I cannot wait too long or it gets too tall, and then it gets really hard to cut, and my back just can't take it.I simply dread cutting grass. I remember the days when I loved to cut it. But, now it takes me all weekend to cut grass, and that's on a riding lawn mower. I start and stop so many times. I have to get off and rest my back every 20 minutes or so, but someone has to do it and I  cannot afford to pay someone to cut it one work comp checks and Eric is gone for several months at a time usually. Always something...

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